Portrait Photography

Little Girls Grow Up; The Senior Portrait Experience

It’s been several years since I’ve seen her.

I met her and the rest of the family several years ago when her oldest brother was a senior at Blue Valley. While the entire family towered over me, Macy and her younger brother were about my height. They were both in their early teens and not yet finished growing. Now Macy had returned to see me for her senior photographs.

blond girl fashion portrait pantsuit

The grey paper background was pulled down in the studio blocking the view of front entrance. As I finishing up with my session on the other side, Macy quietly slipped into the studio. As I walked around the corner and saw her sitting there-

I let out a gasp.

She sat with her long legs crossed in front of her and long blond locks cascaded down her back. She looked like Malibu Barbie sitting there and I was in awe of her transformation. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Is that really you??” 

Surely this couldn’t be the same little girl that was MY height only a few years ago??

I definitely didn’t look so composed when I was seventeen…

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When Macy stood to greet me, she let out a nervous giggle quietly telling me she felt so tall.

I smiled back, reassuring her we are each blessed with individuality. There is a benefit she owns by her height and there is some talent in my ability to fit into small spaces.

Opposite of her, I felt every inch of my 5’1’… admiring her towering presence and a slightly sad to see the ‘little’ girl I met years ago had disappeared.

My instinct was to hug her instantly!!!

…but with teenagers you haven’t seen in a while, it’s slightly creepy looking at them in bewilderment like they are still the kid you once knew. Instead, I wrote this blog post thinking some of you could relate!

Until Next Time,

xoxo adrienne signing off
A natural approach with the innate ability to capture moments. I'm always amazed, year after year, I've yet to meet another photographer who comes close to matching her abilities!"Sarah Temps"Master at her craft! Absolutely, without a doubt, the best photographer.

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*bw photo by Sara Brennen-Harrell

[email protected]


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